Menorrhagia is a curable disease. People who lost their hormone imbalance due to their change in lifestyle usually ends up with Menorrhagia. We can cure this by changing our lifestyle.

1. What is Menorrhagia?
Menorrhagia is a state of person where the person’s body seems to loss control over the menstrual bleeding. If the menstrual bleeding lasts for more days then that person is showing symptoms of Menorrhagia.
2. Menorrhagia – Diagnosis?
If a person follows natural laws of human body without violating then they would never have to experience Menorrhagia in their lifetime. If a person dont follow the naturals laws of human body then they are hindering with their body’s endocrine system’s flow of work. When a person’s endocrine system is not allowed to do its work on human body according to its natural timers then it would create an imbalance in hormone distribution. Frequent violation of natural laws would create consequent problems in hormone distribution which in turn accumulates too much wastes in our body. Too much wastes in your body would interrupt the flow of natural life force. Which in turn makes the menstrual bleeding to last for more days than the usual.
3. Can we cure Menorrhagia?
Yes. We can cure Menorrhagia completely. By changing your lifestyle, we can cure this state. If we follow natural laws every day without fail we will gradually retain the healthier hormone distribution. If we allow our endocrine system to work in it’s natural timers by following natural laws then we will never get into a state like Menorrhagia.
4. Long term cure
- Determine the quantity of the food you take based on your hunger level at that particular time. Don’t eat according to a time schedule but eat according to your hunger level at that particular time. Your hunger level can not be a constant every time. It varies each time you take food. It is based on many factors(Mood, Work etc). Don’t try to make it a constant.
- Take food only when you are hungry.
- The foods we take when we are not actually hungry will turn into wastes we accumulate in our body. Our digestion system should over work to eliminate such wastes from your body to keep your body in a healthy state.
- Your hunger level is the measurement for how much food you need to take.
- The quantity of the food that we take more than the quantity of food required for the hunger level are wastes we add to our body.
- The quantity of the food we take less than the quantity of food we required for that hunger level are food deficiency we create in our body which in turn can result in energy deficiency.
- You may choose the food according to your taste need at that particular time. But don’t over eat one particular food(ex. chicken).
- Determine the quantity of the water you drink based on your thirst level at that particular time
- Drink water only when you are thirsty.
- If we drink water without feeling thirsty, then we are adding wastes in the form of water to our body. Our renal system should over work to eliminate such wastes from your body to keep your body in a healthy state.
- Your thirst level is the measurement for how much water you need to drink.
- The quantity of the water we take more than the quantity of water required for the thirst level are wastes we add to our body.
- The quantity of the water we take less than the quantity of water required for the thirst level are water deficiency we create in our body which in turn can result in energy deficiency.
- Take rest when you feel tired in any time of the day.
- Don’t take rest more than what is necessary time for that particular time.
- Don’t take rest less than what is necessary for that particular time.
- If you are standing for a long time then sitting can be the rest your body needs for that particular time. If you are sitting for a long time then standing might be the rest you body requires for that particular time.
- If you are watching your mobile screen for a long time then closing your eyes might be the rest your body needs.
- Amount of energy your body spend will gradually increase as the time progresses in a particular work. Your body will signal you to stop doing that work and take rest. You needs to take rest at that particular time. Once you start taking rest your body settles on its own and as the time progresses, it will again signal when the task can be resumed again. You may resume that task at that particular time.
Sleep Deprivation is one of the root cause for harmon imbalance
Biological Clock – Circadian Rhythm – Endocrine System – Harmone secretion correlation
Endocrine system and Harmone secretions are correlated with sleeping patterns. Harmone secretion in people who align with their body’s biological clock is in harmony, whereas the harmone secretion in people who don’t follow their body’s biological clock is distorted.
How to observe body’s biological clock?
We can observe the timings of our biological clock by observing the day and night timings. We need to observe sun rise and sun set timings. Harmone secretion in people who align their sleeping hours with sunrise(light) and sunset(dark) will be in harmony.
Is it ok to violate?
No it is not. Because our biological clock and Nature’s clock will be out of sync. It is suppose to create imbalance in your body’s harmone system. It is never ok to violate the sleeping pattern regulary as it is correlated with the Endocrine system.
As it seems impossible to sleep as soon as the sun sets, we should atleast try to have the supper before 8 and go to sleep by 8:30 to 9. This way we can regulate the sleeping pattern and this inturn will regulate the harmone secretions needed to let your liver starts detoxification process as per its timings. Breaking this system will let the toxins stay in your body and these will become one of the sources for the deseases we develop.
Frequent violation of biological clock based sleeping pattern will add more toxins to your body. Our body’s immunisation will try to defend to its potential but at some point it may fail, because we choose not to cooperate with the body by sleeping according to the biological clock