The Governor Vessel is one of the standard nomenclatures of the eight extra meridians. It runs along from the end of the spinal column and reaches the head. This meridian meets all the Yang meridians, and thus is called “the sea of the Yang Meridians. “It is responsible for governing the qi flow of all the Yang meridians of the body.

The Governor Vessel is considered to be one of the eight extra meridians. It is a yang meridian that consists of 28 points. It originates at the base of the spine below the coccyx and runs cephalad along the spinal column until it reaches the apex of the skull where it continues it pathway downward over the face terminating at the junction of the gum and the fraenulum of the upper lip.

The Governor Vessel represents the convergence of all the yang meridians. The most commonly used Governor Vessel points for the management of musculoskeletal conditions are GV 4 in the lumbar region, GV 14 at the base of the neck and GV 20 at the vertex of the skull.
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Acupuncture Channels/Meridians
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