The Large Intestine Meridian starts from the tip of the index finger and runs between the thumb and the index finger. It then proceeds along the lateral side of the forearm and the anterior side of the upper arm, until it reaches the highest point of the shoulder. From there, it has two branches.

One goes internally towards the lungs, diaphragm and large intestine. The other travels externally upwards where it passes the neck and cheek, and enters the lower teeth and gums. It then curves around the upper lip and crosses to the opposite side of the nose.
The Large Intestine Channel is a yang channel that consists of 20 points. Large Intestine Meridian starts from the tip of the 2nd digit and runs between the 1st and 2nd digit and along the radial aspect of the forearm. It then proceeds along the lateral side of the forearm adjacent to the lateral epicondyle and along the anterolateral side of the upper arm, until it reaches the anterior eye of the shoulder.

This meridian then travels medially across the shoulder and neck and across the face and cheek where it then curves around the upper lip and crosses the midline to the opposite side of the face. Due to the Large Intestine channel’s location it is also considered to be beneficial in the treatment of localised upper limb conditions concerning the hand, elbow and shoulder.
In the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions the most commonly utilised points are generally LI 4 in the hand, LI 11 at the elbow and LI 15 at the shoulder.
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Acupuncture Channels/Meridians
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