LI 20 Acupuncture Point is called as yíng xiāng. Ying means to meet. Xiang means Fragrance. This point is on either side of the Nose, to improve the sense of smell and enable the nose to sense fragrance

LI 20 Acupuncture Point Location
In the nasolabial groove, 0.5 cun lateral to the nostril. Needle obliquely or subcutaneously 0.3 – 0.5 cun.
In the naso-labial groove, level with the midpoint of the ala nasi
LI 20 Acupuncture Point Names
yíng xiāng 迎⾹香
Large Intestine 20 Welcome Frangrance
- Meeting Point on the Large Intestine Channel with the Stomach Channel
- Opens the nasal passages
- Expels wind and clears heat
- Nasal Obstruction
- Epistaxis
- Rhinorrhea
- Deviation of the mouth
- Itching and Swelling of the Face.
- nasal congestion, nasal discharge, rhinitis, loss of smell, nasal sores
- deviation of mouth, swelling and itching of face
Facial oedema, nasal congestion and respiratory disorders.
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