SI 6 Acupuncture Point is called as yǎng lǎo. Yang means to support and Lao means Old people. This point is good for treating geriatric diseases such as blurring of the vision, deafness, lumbago, shoulder pain etc.

SI 6 Acupuncture Point Location
On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the ulnar styloid process and the triquetrum and pisiform bones. SI 6 can be located when patient’s wrist is in flexion with the index finger pointing to the sternum. Needle perpendicularly 0.3 – 0.5 cun.
Cleft near styloid process of ulna
SI 6 Acupuncture Point Names
yǎng lǎo 養老
Small Intestine 6 Nursing the Aged
- Xi Cleft Point on the Small Intestine Channel.
- Treats acute conditions and pain
- Benefits the shoulder and arm
- Brightens the eyes
- Blurring of Vision
- Aching of Shoulder, Back, Elbow, Arm
- shoulder pain, pain in the shoulder as if it were broken, pain in the arm as if it were dislocated, pain and numbness of the back, shoulder, and arm
- lumbar pain, painful obstruction of foot
- dim vision, blurred vision, eye pain
Arm, elbow, shoulder, neck and lumbar pain and stiffness.
Area of Protection
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